2150 miles. (Thanks for partying)

2150 Miles. That’s how far we collectively traveled for the “LA Parties” release party on Saturday in Philadelphia. When you consider the return trip, that’s 4300 miles of travel to see me play 3 songs on my acoustic guitar and have a few drinks. People got hotels. Eric drove 8 hours from Ohio. We had representation from 7 different states. It’s just so wild to me. The passion that this project has spawned already. To hear people screaming the words to “LA Parties” back at me the day after its release… insane.

And we did it the right way. Vaccinations, antibodies, temperature checks. An outdoor area with some nice weather thanks to mother nature. No one was out of hand, everyone was respectful, and we all had a killer time. That’s what this crew is about, tooth and nail. No drama, only love.

Everyone needed Saturday night, including me. We’re starved for real life. 15 seconds into playing “LA Parties” for you all, my head almost imploded. Like a freight train, it hit me - how special this is.

2021 is the year live music, and in-person friendship make their overdue returns. Philly love never ceases to amaze. Thanks for partying. Thanks for being here, and see you soon.


Songs of the week (3/28/21)


A year ago today…